Maximise Your Shopify Store with Wishlists

hands typing on a mac keyboard

In the bustling world of eCommerce, every Shopify store owner seeks ways to boost sales and engage customers effectively. One tool that often gets overlooked but can make a significant impact is wishlists. 

Wishlists aren't just handy for shoppers; they're a game-changer for your Shopify store's success. Here's why:

Increase Conversions

Websites with wishlists see up to a 25% increase in conversions. When customers can save items for later, they're more likely to return and make a purchase.

Reduce Cart Abandonment

Stores offering wishlists experience a 40% decrease in cart abandonment rates. By giving shoppers the option to save items, you can minimise lost sales.

Boost Average Order Value (AOV):

Customers who use wishlists tend to spend 20% more per transaction. Wishlists encourage browsing and help customers discover more products they love.

graphic depicting someone clicking a wishlist heart on a product page, a shopping trolley and AOV going up

At 8th Dial, we understand the power of wishlists in driving sales and enhancing the shopping experience. When Plastic Freedom approached us seeking to elevate their online presence, we were eager to help. We embarked on a comprehensive project, including a full website build and migration to Shopify for Plastic Freedom. As part of this transformation, we seamlessly integrated wishlist functionality into their new Shopify store. Now, customers can save their favourite eco-friendly products for later and even share their wishlist with others. 

This simple addition led to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, empowering Plastic Freedom to better serve their eco-conscious audience. To achieve this, we utilised the Swym Wishlist App, a powerful tool designed to enhance the shopping experience on Shopify stores.

Incorporating wishlists into your Shopify store is a smart move to enhance the customer experience and drive sales. Whether you're selling sustainable products like Plastic Freedom or anything else, wishlists can help you better serve your customers and grow your business. 

Ready to unlock the full potential of wishlists for your Shopify store? Let 8th Dial help you craft a seamless and engaging shopping experience for your customers. Contact us today and watch your sales soar.

Are you thinking about moving to Shopify? It's a smooth switch with 8th Dial to help

Some sites we've switched

Some sites we've switched:

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